BVP Expertise hired for an activity responsible

# we ❤️ bread

BVP Expertise is specialized in training people, audit, consulting and support for bakeries, pastries and pâtisseries for large and medium-sized supermarkets but also neighborhood bakeries/pastries, restaurants, tea rooms, cafes and other BVP outlets.

Our leader, Matthieu Cancoin is a baking professor at CFA Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur.

Many brands have called on our expertise : from small businesses to large national brands ; both in France and abroad.

Our intervention within your company will have a beneficial effect at all levels : better quality, increased productivity and a noticeable return on investment.

We also have a global and responsible vision of our business : a sustainable and responsible activity leads to an awareness of environmental impacts, social and economic issues we face.

In concrete terms, we help you to apply the concept of sustainable development which has become a major concern in our sector.

A responsible business should focus on continuously improving its social responsibility practices and performance, environmental and economic. Your business must adapt to changes in the world around it. We are here to support you and show you best practices.

A responsible activity must also take into consideration the needs and expectations of its stakeholders. ; from customers to employees, not to mention suppliers and business partners.

Consumers are also very sensitive to environmental issues., they expect companies to lead by example by taking significant steps to reduce their impact on the environment.

To contribute to the sustainable development of your company, you can act on several levels and we support you with kindness and professionalism.. Our discreet and human-sized team will be able to carry out the diagnosis that will allow your teams to satisfy the most demanding customers..

Our vision of a responsible activity is one that is able to reconcile economic interests, social and environmental.With this innovative new approach, your customers and your teams will be convinced of the merits of our intervention for a vision of BVP at the top of its game !

You want to become an actor of change to no longer be a spectator ?

We are here for you !

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